Watching the time in my desktop now, it's around 2.40am, and i still sitting infront of my PC and doing nothing but blogging and facebook-ing. And i still have my thesis system development to worry about, deadline is near....very near... And i have no idea whether i can complete the system or not... sigh...
Since that i so free, i've tried out some website that are interesting. Click this and go ahead and input your details in chinese, i can't guarantee that it is true but it is just a prediction, believe or not is still your consideration. (The website is in chinese!)
Will be at hometown few more days, can't wait for that day to come! Miss my parents, brother and sister alot! And most importantly, my little pet dog! Haha... But the Chinese New Year mood is not for me as i have some personal issues bugging me... Need to settle it as soon as possible!
Appreciate everything you have before you lose it! Don't cry for it when you lost it! You can't blame anyone except yourself! (Keep telling myself about this, stupid right?)
Time to make appointment with Mr.Chow's daughter (means go to bed)! Tomorrow is another fresh day!(should be later today...)
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