Finally, i end up in Cyberjaya. A place where all the big company, such as DELL, DHL, EDS, TM and so on, gather around. Frankly speaking, i'm not that excited seeing those company, what i feel comfortable with Cyberjaya is the traffic. Believe me, if you think traffic at KL during peak hour is hell, then Cyberjaya would be heaven for you.
AMD Cyberjaya is the company that i'm doing my attachment currently. Due to the permanent building for AMD is yet to complete, they are currently inside a temporary office with limited equipment. Also, due to this reason, 3 days had passed, and i have nothing to do except sitting and surfing. >.<
Able to get my own room finally, what ever i do, only me inside the room, ONLY ME!!! Muahahaha... Not to do some other things, just need some privacy for myself(This is not greedy!!). You know, after work will be very tired, a private place is my way of relaxation, i can sleep straight away, skip dinner, etc.
It might sound a bit weird if i say i start missing those loud voices from Paramount. Of course including my housemates and my neighbors. Maybe because my room is pin-drop silence, kinda miss those sound, at lease the sounds indicating something alive is talking very energetic. Ha ha..(OYY and KENTO, no hard feelings... :P)
Ok, that's all from me till now. Will update few days later when i free. Take care all my Paramount friends...
nvm,i 习惯 oledi.... wuwu.....
all the best ya....must 习惯一个人生活...hahaha...
wow... like tat say yy n kento... next time they 两夫妻 will 炮制 you~ have a nice life in cyberjaya ya~
nice to hear about ur life in cyberjaya
currently i;m taking insep too.
i would like to know if you got extra allowance from AMD instead rm1000 from insep.
Haha me already here 1 and half month nth for me to do also....
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